Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sow, Sew, So...

I have really been struck this week by 2 different quotes:

This one I saw on a friends Facebook page:

What you allow is what will continue.

This one on the page in a Bible:

Romans 6:7 "Do not be deceived:  God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows."

What am I sowing?  Thank goodness--it's not sewing--all sewing skill genes are in the  shallow end of my pool.(A hot glue gun shouldn't count for sewing in my case.)  My grand-mother, mom and aunts can sew---me no SO much.....
I love the many illustrations of sowing from the Bible---also having farmers and gardeners in my family again,.... me--not SO much.

James 3:18  "Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness."  So, what is my problem?  Why do I seem to live as though if I sow contention and strife that my garden will yield righteousness?  If I'm not sowing patience and kindness how in the world do I expect a great crop to come forth?!?

SO what?....I have a choice in what I sow---it can be greed, envy, bitterness--that is up to me.  I'd much prefer a garden that people would like to see--one NOT full of weeds, rocks, thorns...I'm just sayin...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Aren't they adorable?!?

Kids say the darndest things.....Well darn it--one of them did today...
Got the privilege of reading with a group of kids at school.  After they'd finish reading they can take a quiz on the computer that tests their comprehension skills.  Of course I had to go to the "when I was a girl speech of we didn't have computers."  Wide-eyed they were astounded, "REALLY--what did you have?"  "Well, paper and pencils."  One youngin' spoke up, "They didn't have any FUN.  It was the OLD DAYS!"  I would have to disagree with her statement...but I let it go!
What did impress them though was when I told them about our fire drills at school.  We jumped out the window.  They wanted to know how tall the school was and didn't you get hurt a lot reality we didn't have far to jump and playing on the playground had to be much more hazardous, I'm sure.  After all, we did have to cross the street to get there.  But alas, I can just hear some of the boys at supper tonight--Mrs. Ringenberg jumped off her school when she was my age and they had a can't make this stuff up-- I'm just sayin'...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Reason 527 to NOT stack dishes in the sink...

My brother and I have a saying we use often in our phone conversations, "You can't make this stuff up!"  Tonight held one of those moments...
Since Friday we have been going about 100 miles an hour in several different directions, packing up our house, throwing out stuff we shouldn't have moved 10 months ago, making good on a promised ou of town book sale to Grant, going to a Rehearsal Dinner, Mark singing in a wedding, having a blast at said wedding reception and staying up later than we usually do, starting an exercise program with my son who has been on you all summer to do a 10 minute workout with him.....SO, being the great house-wife that I am I needed to get dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher....I am certain that this terrible continual pattern I seem to have is at the top of Mark's pet-peeve list--leaving dishes in the sink and not doing something with them.
PERHAPS and just perhaps I learned my lesson; when I got to the bottom of the pile....there was a FROG--yes you read that correctly---frog---what I think happened was that I brought in a planter that was outside and hangs on the house with live plants that I put in water.  I have seen frogs in it before--the planter is greenish and frogs can really blend in with this particular shade...Mark heard the distress in  my voice and came quickly to my aid!  We had a great laugh over this.  But, I also remarked later, "I think this thing has been in here since Saturday"  Can't tell you how thankful I am that this little critter was NOT on the disposal side--he is safe to hop another day.  Just sayin'...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering Garrison...

Yesterday(9/10) was National Suicide Prevention day and of course, as Americans we will forever remember today(9/11).  While I knew no one personally that suffered and died that day, my heart aches for their families.  I do know someone quite personally who committed suicide because I gave birth to him.  To even wrap my mind around the many families who continue to live life without their loved ones is just heart breaking to contemplate.  We continue to ache and feel the loss of Garrison.  It continues to be a blessing to us as people share things about him with us.  Sure we might cry--but we do because we realize the love and impact he had on others.
Last week a dear friend reminded me of the visionary that he was.  Yesterday as we were packing up our home, we came across papers from High School.  He was spot on about many things in Economics and Politics.(This was 6 or 7 years ago)  Did people always agree with Garrison's view-points?  No!   But one thing I admired about my son is that he was not afraid to express them.  I will never forget the night that Matthew (Ryan) Woods stayed overnight in Junior High and he and Garrison were practicing apologetics...that was my boy!
Love your family today--squeeze them a little tighter as you hug them good-bye--tell them what you appreciate about them.  I never knew that my last phone conversation with Garrison 4/3/2009 would end with my last words to him--"I love you, Bye!"