Thursday, June 23, 2011


One day I'll learn to post these together-but today is not that day. 
A friend at church asked if I had ever heard this song and then promptly went to her car and let me borrow the cd.  I hope you are blessed by Laura Story's  "blessings"...
Over the last several months I had not been feeling well. Not physically--but emotionally...For whatever reason I decided to stay in this place.  I thought somehow maybe it could make me empathize with Garrison--the hopelessness he felt, the belief that life is not going to get any better.  As I've started to recover, why would I chose this?  My husband and friends suggested I get help and gently reminded me.  My husband shared that I would suggest to others in the state I was to go and get help.  And yet, I decided to stay in this pit.  One friend suggested I write in my blog and I told her--I have no words.  When asked about counseling, my reply was the same--I have no idea what to say.  Enough was enough and my husband scheduled an appointment.  And I really didn't have a lot of words--a lot of tears-but not many words--but it was a start.  I realize now the irony now of a blog titled, I'm just saying...and I could say nothing.  My pattern in life has been if I am able to write--to express how I feel (instead of being angry, bitter or sad and stuffing those feelings) then life feels right to me.  I am glad to say that through counseling and a med change my life is on the mend.
This song has blessed me and reminded me of God's love and faithfulness--they are constant--even when we don't know how to feel them.  I'm just sayin'...


  1. love you an think of you so often!!!!! you guys should schedule a reprieve in bloomington at the flick resort. ;)

  2. i love you <3 and i love how beautifully you share something that is so painful, yet hopeful...thank you <3
